How to succeed in exams?
I have been receiving many requests to address various topics from the students on my Facebook page ‘Student’s Support Hub’ . One of the most common requests I have received so far is ‘How to succeed in exams?’ We must understand one thing; there is no shortcut to your success in exams. Your success lies in the approach you take towards the exam preparation. Here are few tips to manage your approach. Never leave it till the last minute - Imagine your teacher/professor rushes through your entire year’s syllabus on the last two days before exam. Do you think you will be able to make any sense out of what has been taught in those two days? Certainly not! Just as a teacher/professor needs good few months to teach you the entire syllabus so do you need good few months to prepare for your final exams. Therefore, start in small increments and keep up the pace. Have a checklist - Sort out your entire syllabus into a meaningful checklist. As you go along, tick those topics t...